Monday, August 8, 2011

Farm Stands and CSA

 So our farm is really growing (pun intended). Last year we sold bread and what vegges we had left over from our garden. This year we are getting bigger working on having a better display as you can see and more volume of vegges.  This week was a really good week for sales.  During the Saturday market I sold about 80 lb of tomatoes which is a record for us.  One of the market big boys has taken notice and was commenting how good our stand looks. I think we are starting to cut in to his sales.   I may set up a small CSA next year but am really on the fence.  I just don't like the idea of having to have enough for a market basket each week.


Got this on my game camera in one of my fields. Hope to see it again during deer season.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shop Progress

I have been working in the shop when ever I get a chance.  I think its coming along nicely, about all I need to to now is run the dust collector ducting over to the CNC.  Now that its more or less set up I will try to post some project videos and write ups on here.