Monday, May 14, 2012

Big Stihl Saw

So when we bought the farm there was a really big fallen tree in the pasture.  One day I went out and decided to cut it up for bonfire.  I started cutting and realized it was a walnut tree, so I decided to slab as much as I could.   The grain is really pretty and it has some cool mineral streaking to it.  Fortunately I have a thing for big chainsaws so I was able to just buy a rip chain and go to town.  I really like the rip chain I got from 63 gauge .375).  My saw is a Stihl MS660 with an exhaust/intake and porting, so it is cranking out some power. I have a 4 ft bar on it and it will run it buried in walnut with out a hint of bogging down.  

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